Dota IMBA! 5 Heroes with Talent Level 25 Most Expected at Dota 2 7.07

Talent level 25 update Dota 2 7.07 very cool! Like this 5 example!

After the update Dota 2 7.07 Dueling Fates, Dota 2 the arrival of various Talent and also some rework that make hero-hero in Dota so gokil! Maybe even make Dota look like Dota IMBA. Gokil Talent itself usually you get if your hero has reached level 25. So, Talent hero level 25 what is the most gokil alias terrible on this update Dota 2 7.07? Here are 5 of them:

Undying - Reincarnation

Dota IMBA! 5 Hero dengan Talent Level 25 Tergokil di Update Dota 2 7.07
Formerly Ostarion the Wraith King may be arrogantly talking in to other Dota heroes, that only he can do ressurection in Dota. This is certainly outside of the Aegis that can be obtained from Roshan yes. But after Dota 2 7.07 update, Reincarnation is no longer a Wraith King monopoly, Undying can!

True, Talent level 25 makes Undying so live again like Wraith King. Plus at level 15 he has Talent Tombstone on Death which makes this hero's death even so useful for the team.

Shadow Demon - + 5s Disruption Banish Duration

Dota IMBA! 5 Hero dengan Talent Level 25 Tergokil di Update Dota 2 7.07
Although only increase the duration, but proved by the duration alone has made this one Talent gokil. The problem is Talent level 25 Shadow Demon menamabah duration Disruption, which make hero so in banish, for 5 seconds. If totaled with duration Disruption default then enemy affected Disruption will be in banish condition for 7.5 sec!

Imagine in a fight you can remove the hero you feared during the fight. So you can fight in a state of 4 vs 5 for 7.5 seconds! But yes it is not easy to reach level 25 for Shadow Demon, because he himself is usually played as a hero support that is not often farm and can hard kill.

Lion - Area Hex / 1000 Range Earth Spike

Dota IMBA! 5 Hero dengan Talent Level 25 Tergokil di Update Dota 2 7.07
Continue to the next Talent, Talent level 25 from the Lion that even both of the choice belongs to the Talent IMBA! At level 25, Lion can choose whether to make Hex a skill area or make Earth Spike so very far.

The best scenario would be if the enemy was collected either with Vacuum or Reverse Polarity you can directly Hex everything by utilizing the Talent. Meanwhile, if you choose an additional range of Earth Spike, you can position yourself further and can stun more people with this increasingly distant skill!

Faceless Void - 25% Backtrack

Dota IMBA! 5 Hero dengan Talent Level 25 Tergokil di Update Dota 2 7.07
The Legend is back! In the days of Warcraft Dota or at least before the version 6.86 update, there is a legend that says Faceless Void can even avoid the magical magic including Lion's Finger of Death or Laguna Blade's Void!

That's certainly thanks to the passive Backtrack Void skill that avoids any kind of damage including magic damage from skill. Now the skill is back, but in Talent level 25. Even so, this talent may not be practically 'god' either because Talent comparison is also good enough to add 175 Chronosphere area.

Invoker - Cataclysm

Dota IMBA! 5 Hero dengan Talent Level 25 Tergokil di Update Dota 2 7.07
The coolest talent in Dota may be crowned to the great wizard in this one Dota. In the past, seeing him can issue Deafening Blast in all directions may have made you shudder.

Okay this is not Talent level 25, but Talent is still counted IMBA, and worse this Talent can be taken at level 20. At level 20 Invoker have a choice of Talent Cataclysm, which makes so there TWO FRUITS Sunstrike launched to ALL HERO ENEMY, in the area 175-250 around the enemy. Although not make a disable, but this skill will certainly be a good combo in team fight!

very cool  Talent level 25 this new! Really Dota so like Dota IMBA !
